About the cover photo: It took me three attempts of between 4 and 5 days each to get into the spot where this photo was taken. On the first two trips I suffered some very painful injuries. This spot is in the Baker River drainage in North Cascades National Park. Do you know the name of the mountain?

Converse hightops on my feet, I traverse the North Cascades in pursuit of my life project to walk into every high lake or pond mapped in the Skagit River watershed. The upper Skagit Valley near Marblemount, WA is my home and has been home to my family since 1888. I have come to feel that the culture of this place, like the culture of much of rural America, is misunderstood by an increasingly urban population and threatened by economic depression. I would like to share the stories of this place and the people who call it home. Through my stories and images of these mountains, my goal is to help others understand and respect both the natural resources and the people of the North Cascades.

Sunday, April 14, 2013

Sunday 4.14.13

Today Sunday: Alarm at 6:00 a.m. Slept in until 6:45. I hung out with my wife and daughter for a bit then headed up the road to mom's and the farm arriving at about 8:00 a.m.

Walked the dog as per the usual routine. Then tried cutting a round out of a big maple tree we had taken down several weeks ago. The round was about 3 feet in diameter and out of the top of the tree. There were some old tops cut out years and ago and I wanted to see how much rot was in the top. I ruined my saw chain on a piece of hardware a nail, spike, screw, bolt, wire etc.

A friend of mine who was interested in the log for the spalted and/or figured wood stopped by. I finished cutting the round out of top with new chain and without damaging the chain. The round out of the top looked pretty good. After a good bit of thinking my friend decided it would be worth a gamble of time to cut up the log and see what it looked like. We made plans to do this next weekend.

I spent most of the rest of the day trying to get the tractor running with the help of another friend. The tractor is having problems with the fuel supply. I tore the fuel lines apart several times and drained and refilled the gas tank several times to no avail.

My wife and daughter came up and we walked the dog again.

After they left I turned back to the tractor and tore into the sediment bowl and fuel tank. After checking cleaning and reassembling everything, I tried again. Same problem. Time to stop and reconsider and ask for more help.

I fed the cows, then whittled on the big maple for about an hour more, cutting out two more big rounds and several limbs and knots.

I went home, ate dinner and mowed the lawn until dark (got it done). Sacha offered to help with the lawn but didn't have ear plugs and I didn't want her to have to use my used ones so I finished the lawn.

I took a shower and am now writing this.

I am pretty tired. More later.

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