Saturday the 17th of May I showed up at the farm
with a long list of things to do. I was in the midst of a big project that I
hoped to wrap up that day before moving on to some other things. I was a couple
of hours late that day because I had gone to Concrete on errands before heading
up to Marblemount.
As is my custom on weekend days, I went to walk our dog Skyeball.
To my dismay I saw that the right side of her face was swollen to the size of a
softball. This problem had cropped up about a month earlier and Sacha had taken
Skyeball to the veterinarian where it was determined that there was some kind of
blockage or infection in the salivary glands. Skyeball was sent home with some
medications that appeared to eliminate the swelling. Everything seemed okay for
several weeks but now here it was again.
Sacha wouldn’t be able to take Skyeball in this time so I
would have to do it. It was already late in the day because I had run errands
earlier but I decided to see if I could get Skyeball in to the vet’s. If I was
lucky, I would be able to get Skyeball in and maybe get the problem resolved
without taking a day off from work at my regular job. It was already late, so the
day would pretty much be shot. By the time I got Skyeball to the vet’s, an hour
away, got her seen and got her back, there wouldn’t be much time to do any work
around the house.
I was in luck that they had room for an appointment. And the
appointment time left me about two hours to work on a project before I had to
take Skyeball in. Unfortunately, once I got her in, it was determined that I
would have to bring her in on Monday for surgery to lance and drain the abscess. This
meant I would have to take a day off from work.
I took her in Monday and the surgery was completed without
any complications. We will have to give her medications for several weeks.
I took her back in to the vet’s the following Saturday to
check on her progress and everything looks good so far. The swelling is gone or
nearly gone and Skyeball appears to be on the mend. I will probably have to
make at least one more trip down to make sure everything is okay.
Skyeball is a little unruly around some other dogs and she
can be quite willful at times but she is overall a very good dog and handled
the whole situation quite calmly, even though she doesn’t like the vet’s.
Skyeball before the trip to the veterinerian. |
Skyeball just after getting back from the vet's. The swelling is already noticeably reduced by the drain. |
Is that a lampshade on her head? (just kidding)